This week’s Q&A is swimming straight into the world of all things color and sound. Meet Kay Everatt, our Motion & Graphics Designer. Kay works from Charleston designing marketing pieces, motion graphics and videos for YDM clients. Kay’s also created social media content and managed many clients’ social media accounts during her time at the pond. Kay earned her bachelor’s degree in Visual Communications from the School of Journalism at the University of South Carolina.
Q: You work remotely out of the Charleston area, so how do you stay in tune with your coworkers and collaborate so well on project needs?
A: Working remotely has its own set of challenges and communicating effectively is the biggest day-to-day obstacle. Nothing beats in-person discussions, but various discussion channels on Slack, clear and concise emailing, or being willing to jump on a conference call or screen share help the miles melt away.
Q: You started at YDM as an intern. What was it like making the leap to become a full-time staff member?
A: Working with a smaller company, I think you just have to be willing to step in and help wherever there is a need. At YDM, we aren’t ruled by job descriptions and regularly step in to help deliver a high-quality, value product or service for our clients.
Q: As someone who’s all about video and motion graphic capabilities, what’s been the most exciting project you’ve worked on using those skills?
A: The Pilot Cycle Track Educational video has probably been my favorite so far. The client trusted us to deliver a quality end product. Sometimes, having that trust to grant creative freedom allows us to show you how far we can take a project and gives us the chance to exceed expectations, instead of just meeting them.
Q: What’s your favorite way to unwind at the end of a long day?
I absolutely LOVE to read! Reading has always been a way to escape for a couple of hours and be inspired. I recently read Stephen King’s memoir “On Writing” and “The Ride of a Lifetime” by Bob Iger.
Q: We hear you invited your fellow ducks to your wedding. Can you explain more about what YDM’s culture is like and why you enjoy working here?
A: Our priority is relationships and creating value for our clients, not how much profit we can get out of a project, and that spills over into the culture within the office. At YDM we’ve found this balance of expanding our team with people who truly care about each other and enjoy spending time together.
Q: What advice do you have for new college graduates looking for a job at an agency?
A: Be open. Try to take away any preconceived notions of what you want to do or what you think you’ve earned. Find value in being part of a team effort and learning new skills from those who have more experience than you.
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