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Traffic Talks: Q&A with Bryan Albritton

This month, we’re getting to know our Traffic Manager, Bryan Albritton. Bryan keeps our projects moving and organized. He’s an embodiment of creativity and efficiency. Keep reading this Q&A to learn more about him.


Q: Tell us about your role at YDM – what do you do and why?

A: My role as a traffic manager plays a crucial part in ensuring that the agency’s projects are delivered on time, within budget and to the highest standards, ultimately contributing to the agency’s success and client’s satisfaction. I love being a key player in a super creative team that churns out mind-blowing work. It’s incredible to work alongside such talented folks and use my skills as a traffic manager to bring their awesome ideas to reality. Seeing the final results of our combined efforts and how it wows our clients, and their audience is incredibly fun! I feel incredibly fortunate to have such a rewarding job.


Q: What’s one thing you can’t go without during your workday?

A: Oh, during my workday, there’s one thing I can’t live without – a never-ending supply of coffee! It’s the magical potion that keeps me fueled and the ideas flowing in this creative haven.


Q: What do you love to do when you’re not working?

A: When I’m not working, I absolutely love spending quality time with my family and friends. Whether it’s sharing laughter and stories over a cozy dinner or embarking on adventures together, the moments we create are truly priceless. And when I need a breather, anything outdoorsy is my thing. There’s nothing like being out in nature, surrounded by its peaceful beauty, to soothe my soul and clear my mind. Exploring the wilderness provides a tranquil space to recharge and reconnect with myself.


Bryan Albritton Yellow Duck Marketing Traffic Manager


Q: What are 3 words to describe a successful traffic manager?

A: Organized, detail-oriented and collaborative.


Q: If there were a movie made about your life, who would you like to see cast as you?

A: If a movie was made about my life, I’d love to see someone quirky, with a creative and organized flair, like Sam Rockwell, play my role. As a graphic design and fine art enthusiast turned traffic manager in an advertising agency, they’d bring a perfect mix of my artistic and managerial journey to the screen. It’d be so inspiring to witness my passion portrayed by such a talented performer!


Bryan Albritton Yellow Duck Marketing Traffic Manager


Q: How have you grown as a Traffic Manager since starting at YDM?

A: Since joining YDM, I’ve grown immensely as a Traffic Manager! I’ve become a pro at organizing projects, improved my communication skills and gained confidence in handling any challenge that comes my way. It’s been a fantastic journey of growth, and I’m excited to see what’s next!